15th Annual Mentorship Award: Children's National Research Institute

Children's National Research Institute at Children's National: The Fifteenth Annual Mentorship Award 2024

Mentorship is a critical determinant of a successful academic career. In recognition of the importance of mentorship, three awards were established in 2009-10 in the fields of Basic/Translational Research, Clinical Research and Education. Please ask that you submit nominations for two awards, one in Basic/Translational Research and the other in Clinical Research no later than Friday, March 15, 2024  (instructions and details below). On the afternoon of Wednesday, April 24th, the Mentorship Awards will be presented along with the Elda Arce Education Award and other Research Week Abstract awards during the 2024 Research & Education Week (April 22-26).

Award Criteria

These 2 awards are based on the training experiences and success of the mentees supported and trained by the nominee and not the mentor's achievements. Such commitment and extraordinary effort by a mentor may be demonstrated by:

  • The number of individuals mentored
  • Mentorship quality as judged by support provided in presenting and publishing
  • Providing career and psychological support, encouragement, and essential strategies for life in the scholarly scientific community
  • Continued long term interest in the individual's professional advancement
Eligibility Criteria
  • Past mentor nominees may be resubmitted. Please consider re-submission as the quality of submissions has exceeded our expectations in the past several years
  • Member of Children’s National Hospital/Children’s National Research Institute community who are full time faculty at George Washington University School of Medicine 
  • May include basic, translational, clinical and community researchers / investigators and educators
  • Actively involved in research, teaching, mentoring or other leadership activities
  • Sustained record of mentoring over time
Exclusion Criteria
Nomination Package 

The forms are in Word format which makes it easier to complete. Please save and email completed packet in (PDF format) by March 15th to: nluban [at] childrensnational.org (Naomi Luban, MD), rsmilow [at] childrensnational.org (Rachel Smilow), and tdurrett2 [at] chidlrensnational.org (Tyra Durrett )

Nomination Package should include the following:
  • Nomination form
  • Curriculum Vitae of mentor
  • Two letters of recommendation. One letter should be written by the sponsor/nominator (not to exceed 2,000 words) who summarizes the nominee/mentor's impact on the training / career of his/her mentees. One additional letter (not to exceed 1,000 words) from a second mentee which details “firsthand” how the nominee influenced the mentee's career. The letters should be addressed to by email to: Catherine Bollard, MBChB, MD, Interim Chief Academic Officer, CNRI and CNH, Director Center for Cancer and Immunology, CNRI   and Chief of Pediatrics, GWSMHS

Specifics of  the 2 Letters of Recommendation

The sponsor/nomination letter should reference how the nominee has modeled excellence in research, teaching, presentation, and publication and has aided in the ability to obtain funding and/or in academic success. Further, the letter should include detail on how the nominee has advanced the mentees' professional development, created a supportive environment for research and scholarship, encouraged communication, ensured accessibility, and engendered collaborations.

Selection Process

Applications will be evaluated on mentoring ability, quality of the mentorship relationship and outcome(s) of the mentoring relationship. The Awards Committee is composed of Drs. Bollard, T. Haydar, D. Agrawal, M. Batshaw and N. Luban. Each application will be scored independently by each committee member. The award will be given  at the Awards Ceremony and includes a plaque and check.Eli

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